Mara Joy
Mara has been performing on stage since she was 8, and in all that time has managed to slightly improve. Some of this performing was as part of the Stirling University Drama Society (SUDS) where she wrote and performed in many hit-and-miss sketch shows, including a couple that were taken to the Edinburgh Fringe. It was during her time in SUDS that she and a friend - who had spent a year as part of the University of Santa Barbara's improv team - decided it was a good idea to start an improv troupe from scratch.
With no formal training, no idea what they were doing and absolutely no remorse, they founded The Improveteers. Making it up as they went along, they eventually started performing in lecture theatres, Society Award shows and at comedy nights alongside actual proper comedians. After graduating, Mara continued to work with the Improveteers until 2011 when they had a successful run at the Fringe. Her work complete, Mara moved on and started attending To Be Continued… workshops in Edinburgh while still living in Stirling. This was exhausting, but well worth it. Now finally living in Edinburgh, Mara can be found doing improv anywhere that will let her.
After guest performing with the troupe on several occasions, Mara became a formal member of the troupe in November 2013.