The Harold Improv Comedy Show
Long-form fun with improv guests!
Want to see the newest comedy theatre? Witness improvised plays created before your eyes!
Utilising the excellent long-form improvised show format developed by iO Theatre in Chicago, The Harold Improv Comedy Show brings together improvisers from all around to create an entirely improvised show based on a one-word suggestion.
This show provides a performance opportunity for all Scottish-based improvisers, whether they've made their home here or just passing through. So if you're an improviser, have an improv group or a Harold team and want to get involved, get in touch!
Long-form fun with improvisers from all around! Want to see the newest comedy theatre? Witness improvised plays created before your eyes! Utilising many excellent long-form improvised show formats (including the iO Theatre Chicago developed "Harold"), The Harold Improv Comedy Show features 2-3 improv groups from all around (including our own TBC Improv Players) creating entirely improvised stories and adventures, based upon one-word suggestions.