Intermediate Long-Form Improv (203)
Improvised comedy plays at the next level
For those with intermediate improvisational skills who want to learn how to apply them for an improvised performance.
Across 8 classes, students will explore how to create a fully improvised performance piece based upon a single word suggestion. Utilising previously developed skills to create improvised scenes, students will learn different techniques to extract ideas for those scenes based upon the initial offer. As part of a performance piece, the course will examine ways the performers return to ideas previously explored in the show, as well as different ways in which the scenes can be connected together. Most students should be familiar with 2 person scenes, however most improv groups comprise of more than two members; this course will therefore also explore who a group can do enjoyable scenes with the entire cast on stage.
In addition, there will be a performance opportunity at the end of this course which students are encouraged (but not required) to try. (Note: the details of the performance will vary depending on when/where the course is run).
- Intermediate Improv (201) or Introduction to Long-Form Improv (103) (or proof of equivalent)
Class Topics
- Openings - how to start your show and generate ideas
- Group Scenes - performing scenes with more than 2 performers on stage
- 2nd/3rd Beats - returning to ideas later in the show
- Narrative/Non-Narrative - creating a show where the scenes are linked by a central story or distinct and connected by a theme