Eric Geistfeld
Raised in the untamed wilds of suburban Minnesota Eric moved to Scotland in 2011 to pursue a degree in Physics at the University of Edinburgh. While there he bribed his way onto the stage in many plays and musicals, being heavily involved in the Edinburgh University Theatre Company and Edinburgh University Savvoy Opera Group.
Eric's passion for improv began in 2009 at The Brave New Workshop in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Through classes and a stint on the youth performance team he fostered what promises to be a lifelong chemical dependence on improv.
With his spare time Eric enjoys the finer things in life such as: 8 bit video games, bluegrass music, Japanese fencing, and mumbling when speaking to those with hearing aids.
After being in Scotland for 5 years and achieving his Masters Degree, getting a work visas proved slightly tricky. As a result and with a heavy heart, Eric said farewell to Scotland in 2016. However, he knows his TBC Improv brothers and sisters are here when he finds his way back!