Raymond Considine
Raymond has been charged with the unique and challenging task of creating live improvised music to complement the onstage improvised action. The daftness of the comedy can lead the musical compositions to strange places - in his first ever show he needed to create music for a scene in which a Jamaican robot had a domestic quarrel with its human partner who was ablaze from the feet up. In China.
Born and raised in County Cork, he is an experienced and well-travelled multi-instrumentalist; he has played piano since the age of 5 and has performed extensively in a variety of projects since the age of 15. He completed a BMus in University College Cork in 2010 before moving to Edinburgh to work on an MSc in Film Studies (indeed, his passion for Film Music comes in very handy when working with To Be Continued…!). With the MSc finished & the piece of paper obtained, he's still in Edinburgh where he can be found singing his heart out on the local pub circuit by night and teaching by day. Sleeping occasionally as well.
A member of the troupe since 2012, he is looking forward to finding himself in further strange musical situations in the future!