Andrew Strano
Andrew is a graduate of The Victorian College of the Arts (Music Theatre), the iO Theater in Chicago, Melbourne’s Improv Conspiracy and Danceworld 301. He has performed Improv professionally for over 2 years, including appearances on the Annoyance and iO theatre stages in Chicago, and was nominated for Best Comedy as a part of the Improv Conspiracy’s touring company’s Perth Fringeworld season in 2015. He currently performs weekly in up to 4 different Improv Conspiracy shows in his hometown of Melbourne.
Improvised shows Andrew has conceived include the Quiet Achievers: completely silent improvisation, One Man Musical (in which he interactively improvises an entire musical by incorporating the audience) and Pano-Stritch (an improvised one act play with co-creator Daniel Pavatich). He coaches the Harold team AIRBLADE, teaches for The Improv Conspiracy and co-founded and co-directed Impromptunes: The Fully Improvised Musical, leading them to their acclaimed debut in the 2013 Melbourne Fringe Festival.
He has toured nationally and internationally as a Musical Theatre performer and qualified twice as one of only 30 semifinalists for the Australian National Music Theatre award, the Rob Guest Endowment.
Also an acclaimed lyricist, Andrew has been writing new musical theatre since they made their debut as the joint Melbourne winners of the YTICC 10th Annual International Cabaret Showcase in 2012. In 2014 they opened “Nailed It!” (a showcase of their work) to 5 star reviews, garnering Andrew a nomination for Theatrepeople's Best Male Cabaret Performer and winning the Green Room Award for Best Original Songs. "Nailed It!" continues its' life, crossing the pond to the Edinburgh Fringe later this year.