News – 2016
January 2016
Workshop News: Introduction to Short-Form Course (Edinburgh)

Start 2016 by learning the improv comedy skills for performing "Whose Line is it Anyway?" improvisation from Edinburgh's 5-star improv comedy theatre company!
Each class in the 8-week course will explore a particular genre of game: what games fall into the category, what skills they use and techniques for performing scenes within them. Become familiar with new games and reacquainted with old favourites.
This course is ideal for a wide range of people: from those who have done a little improv and want to learn more, to those who have done lots of long-form and wish to learn about it's sibling. Even if you haven't done any improv before, there's something for everyone in this course!
Introduction to Short-Form Improv (Edinburgh) | Mondays 11 January - 07 March 2016 (Not Monday 15 February) | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh | £80
Full details here.
Performance News: Open Improv Night

After a wonderful debut at the tail-end of 2015, every second Sunday at The TBC Improv Theatre has fast become the place to be to see exciting improv theatre thanks to the Open Improv Night! Presented by TBC Improv Players Will Naameh and Paul Connolly, the Open Improv Night shows provides a platform for everyone and anyone to not only witness great improv, but to get involved and to try-out new improv ideas.
Some more information about the show from Will and Paul:
The Scottish improv scene is rapidly expanding. With this new show, improvisers new and seasoned can try new and different things: try a new improv format; perform with different people; even improvise for the first time.
The first half will be comprised of 5, 10 and 15 minute slots; anyone can sign up for a slot to perform anything with anyone. The second half will be an improv jam, where we will draw names out of a hat and throw performers together in random scenes, formats and games; anyone can sign up on the night.
This is a safe, supportive and experimental night to help the Scottish improv scene grow!
Open Improv Night | Sunday 10 January 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Free | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
Open Improv Night | Sunday 24 January 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Free | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
Performance News: Smoky Monkeys - An Imp-Revised History of the World

The 12 January 2016 will mark the 1st anniversary of Edinburgh improv-group Smoky Monkeys. How does an improv group celebrate their birthday? By putting on an awesome show of course! Join the Smoky Monkeys at The TBC Improv Theatre on Tuesday 12 January as they perform their smashing show An Imp-Revised History of the World - witness more history made (up) before your very eyes and rediscover how we lived, loved and conquered before it all got so darn complicated - history will never look quite the same again.
Smoky Monkeys - An Imp-Revised History of the World | Tuesday 12 January 2016 | 8:00pm - 9:00pm | Free | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
Performance News: Improv Games

After a short break for Christmas and the new year period, Improv Games makes it's 2016 debut at The TBC Improv Theatre on Saturday 06 February. Witness a selection of the best improv talent from the Scottish improv comedy scene, as they perform short-form games for laughter and points!
While the show will still be Pay What You Decide, you can guarantee a seat by pre-booking a ticket for just £5.
Improv Games | Saturday 06 February 2016 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm | Pay What You Decide (or £5 to guarantee seat) | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
February 2016
New Glasgow Improv Course with Tim Sniffen

Good friend of To Be Continued… and all-round amazing improviser Tim Sniffin (Baby Wants Candy, Second City, iO, Boom Chicago) is going to teach a 5 week improv workshop in Glasgow.
Tuesday evenings 7pm-9pm, starting Tuesday 23rd February 2016 (venue to be confirmed).
This course will be for all levels of experience and ability.
Cost £50.
This is a fantastic opportunity to learn from a highly experienced improv performer from some of the best improv troupes in the world. Places are limited so please contact us to reserve.
Performance News: Absolute Improv! at The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron

Edinburgh improv fans: for the first time since August, catch our 5-star, 3-time EdFringe Sell-out show Absolute Improv! in Scotland's capital as we bring the show to The TBC Improv Theatre on Thursday 18 February. It's been to long but we're looking forward to seeing you all again this month.
Absolute Improv! | Thursday 18 February 2016 | 8:00pm - 9:30pm | £5 | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
Performance News: Joint show with IKMD in Glasgow!

After a wonderful reception last month, To Be Continued… are returning to Glasgow for a joint show with our good friends Improv Killed My Dog! Glasgow improv scene joins with the Edinburgh improv scene, the first steps towards closer unity between Scotland's largest cities, will you be there for this historic moment?&hellip (*Warning: event not guaranteed to be historic, but fun and with laughter*)
Friday 26 February 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | £5 | Avant Garde, Glasgow
Click here for full details.
Workshop News: Invited Teacher Tim Sniffen

To Be Continued… have invited Tim Sniffen to run a one day improv workshop focusing on long-form improv scene work this month in Edinburgh. Tim is a hugely respected figure in the improv scene, having worked for numerous renowned improv theatre companies, including Baby Want's Candy, iO, Second City to name just a few. (He's also a very lovely chap too!) Venue still to be confirmed, but places are limited and expected to sell-out quickly so we recommend booking early to avoid disappointment.
Saturday 27 February 2016 | 11:00am - 5:00pm | £45 | To Be Confirmed (Edinburgh)
Click here for full details.
Performance News: The Harold Improv Comedy Show

"It's been too long since we got our long-form fix" we hear you cry! Well we heard, we agreed, and we're doing something about it: The Harold Improv Comedy Show is back at The TBC Improv Theatre for the last Saturday of the month. Featuring Scottish-based improv talent (including a certain Tim Sniffen) performing a long-form improv piece, followed by a performance from The TBC Improv Players, this is the time and place for maximum long-form improv fun this month in Scotland!
While the show will still be Pay What You Decide, you can guarantee a seat by pre-booking a ticket for just £5.
The Harold Improv Comedy Show | Saturday 27 February 2016 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm | Pay What You Decide (or £5 to guarantee seat) | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
Performance News: Improv Games

Where can I see a cross section of improv talent in Scotland compete for improv glory? Who will perform? Who will win? Who will figure out what host Mara Joy's rubric for points awarding is? The answer to these question and more can be found at
Improv Games at The TBC Improv TheatreWitness a selection of the best improv talent from the Scottish improv comedy scene, as they perform short-form games for laughter and points!
While the show will still be Pay What You Decide, you can guarantee a seat by pre-booking a ticket for just £5.
Improv Games | Saturday 05 March 2016 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm | Pay What You Decide (or £5 to guarantee seat) | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
Performance News: Open Improv Night

The improv show open to all to watch and perform in returns to The TBC Improv Theatre this month. Presented by TBC Improv Players Will Naameh and Paul Connolly, the Open Improv Night shows provides a platform for everyone and anyone to not only witness great improv, but to get involved and to try-out new improv ideas.
Open Improv Night | Sunday 21 February 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Free | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
Just one more thing…

Tim Sniffen (good friend of To Be Contined… and, as mentioned earlier, amazing improviser and lovely chap) is going to be running a 5 week scene work improv course at the Avant Garde in Glasgow. Tim will go back to study the basics on how to build and play through scenes. This course will be for all levels of experience/ability and is a fantastic opportunity to learn from a highly experienced improv performer who has performed with some of the the best improv troupes in the world.
Scene work: "Whatever form of improv you are doing, it is just a collection of scenes"
Places are limited, so please contact Peter Aitchison to reserve a place today.
Tuesdays, starting 23 February 2016 | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | £50 | Avant Garde, Glasgow
Okay, Just one more one more thing…

Just a quick mention that Absolute Improv! will be back at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this August and tickets are already available . Not only that, but they've been selling faster than ever, so be sure to book yours early to avoid missing out!
Absolute Improv! | Friday 05 - Saturday 27 August 2016 (not Sunday 07 or 21) | 6:05pm - 6:55pm | theSpace on Niddry St (Venue 9), Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
March 2016
Workshop News: Drop-in Workshops (Edinburgh)

With the conclusion of the Introduction to Short-Form Improv course (more on that in a bit), To Be Continued… will be running some drop-in workshop classes in Edinburgh for the rest of March. So, if you're interested in giving improv a shot without committing to a full course, or just looking for your weekly dose of improv fun, these classes are for you! (Classes are also for those who are interested but do not fit into the previously mentioned groups).
Mondays 14/21/28 March 2016 | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | £5 | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
Speaking of the recent Edinburgh course …
Performance News: Absolute Improv Graduates!

Since the formation of To Be Continued… in 2009, the improv theatre scene in Scotland has grown exponentially, and 2016 doesn't look to buck this trend. We're excited to continue presenting new and emerging talent from the Scottish improv scene this month with Absolute Improv Graduates!
Featuring a cross section of the talented graduates from the most recent Introduction To Short-Form Improv course, Absolute Improv Graduates! is a fantastic opportunity to not only support emerging talent, but to be there first to witness the improv stars of tomorrow!
This event will be a free, Pay What You Decide performance, with funds raised going back into the The TBC Improv Theatre to support the continued growth of improv in Edinburgh and Scotland.
Absolute Improv Graduates! | Friday 18 February 2016 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm | Pay What You Decide | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
Performance News: Smoky Monkeys - An Imp-Revised History of the World

With the graduates of the 2016 Introduction To Short-Form Improv course performing this month, there was one group we wanted to perform at The TBC Improv Theatre on the same night and we're delighted they said yes: Smoky Monkeys the Edinburgh improv group formed by graduates of the 2015 Introduction To Short-Form course, will be back with more Imp-Revised History of the World!
With two great shows featuring talented Scottish improvisers, Friday 18 March is definitely a date you'll be wanting to keep in your diaries.
Smoky Monkeys - An Imp-Revised History of the World | Friday 18 March 2016 | 8:00pm - 9:00pm | Free | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
Performance News: Open Improv Night

The improv show open to all to watch and perform in continues this month at The TBC Improv Theatre this month. Presented by TBC Improv Players Will Naameh and Paul Connolly, the Open Improv Night shows provides a platform for everyone and anyone to not only witness great improv, but to get involved and to try-out new improv ideas.
The first performance this month (again, apologies for this month's newsletter missing it!) featured songs of dubious ice-cream, maniac performers, and an improvised ChuckleVision episode. What'll be in the next performance? Only one way to find out ;) …
… to come along to the show, that's what was meant … you realised that? … oh … never-mind :P …
Open Improv Night | Sunday 20 March 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Free | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
Performance News: The Harold Improv Comedy Show

After a little confusion, The Harold Improv Comedy Show is back at The TBC Improv Theatre for the last Saturday of the month. Featuring Scottish-based improv talent performing a long-form improv piece, followed by a performance from The TBC Improv Players, this is the time and place for maximum long-form improv fun this month in Scotland!
While the show will still be Pay What You Decide, you can guarantee a seat by pre-booking a ticket for just £5.
There will also be a free workshop 1pm-5pm at the venue, with those who come along having the chance to perform in the show.
The Harold Improv Comedy Show | Saturday 26 March 2016 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm | Pay What You Decide (or £5 to guarantee seat) | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
Just one more one more thing…

A reminder that tickets for Absolute Improv! at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this August and tickets are now available for purchase online (link below). These tickets have been selling faster than ever, and all The TBC Improv Players have been overwhelmed by this wonderful response to our little show!
Thank you to everyone who has purchased tickets so far and, for those who haven't yet, be sure to book yours soon to avoid disappointment (we want to see all your lovely faces this August, and maybe hear your laughter too if we do a good job!).
Absolute Improv! | Friday 05 - Saturday 27 August 2016 (not Sunday 07 or 21) | 6:05pm - 6:55pm | theSpace on Niddry St (Venue 9), Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
April 2016
Workshop News: Introduction To Long-Form (Edinburgh)

How do groups manage to create a brand new improvised theatre piece right in front of the audience? Find out and learn the skills to create the newest theatre possible in our "Introduction to Long-Form Improv" course!
During the course, we will look at: Working Together as a Group; Creating a Scene; Character & Relationships; Making Connections; Exploring Themes; and more!
Still some spaces available, so if the sound of the course is giving you itchy performers feet, be sure to book your place soon! (Note: if itchy performers feet continues for 3 weeks or more, consult your doctor or local talent agent for further treatments).
Monday 02 May 2016 - 20 June 2016 (weekly)| 7:00pm - 9:00pm | £80 | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
Performance News: Joint show with IKMD in Glasgow!

To Be Continued… join Glasgow-based friends Improv Killed My Dog for another To Be Contined… + IKMD show this month. A little bit of Edinburgh, a little bit of Glasgow, and a whole heap of improv comedy fun!
Friday 29 April 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | £5 | Malones Irish Bar, Glasgow
Click here for full details.
Performance News: The Harold Improv Comedy Show

Be sure to celebrate the final day of April 2016 with The Harold Improv Comedy Show at The TBC Improv Theatre! Featuring Scottish-based improv talent performing a long-form improv piece, followed by a performance from The TBC Improv Players, this is the time and place for maximum long-form improv fun this month in Scotland!
While the show will still be Pay What You Decide, you can guarantee a seat by pre-booking a ticket for just £5.
There will also be a free workshop 1pm-5pm at the venue, with those who come along having the chance to perform in the show.
The Harold Improv Comedy Show | Saturday 30 April 2016 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm | Pay What You Decide (or £5 to guarantee seat) | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
Performance News: Open Improv Night

The improv show open to all - to watch AND perform in - continues this month at The TBC Improv Theatre this month. Presented by Box (and co-hosted by TBC Improv Players Will Naameh and Paul Connolly) the Open Improv Night shows provides a platform for everyone and anyone to not only witness great improv, but to get involved and to try-out new improv ideas.
Open Improv Night | Sunday 1 May 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Free | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Open Improv Night | Sunday 15 May 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Free | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Open Improv Night | Sunday 29 May 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Free | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Click here for full details.
Just one more one more thing…

As we march towards August, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival website features more and more shows to purchase tickets for, with more people snapping up those tickets. Want to avoid the stress of worrying if you're going to get to see Edinburgh's improv comedy theatre company in August? Just follow the link below to book your tickets now ;).
Book Tickets for Absolute Improv!.
Absolute Improv! | Friday 05 - Saturday 27 August 2016 (not Sunday 07 or 21) | 6:05pm - 6:55pm | theSpace on Niddry St (Venue 9), Edinburgh
May 2016
Performance News: Joint show with IKMD in Glasgow!

To Be Continued… join Glasgow-based friends Improv Killed My Dog for another To Be Contined… + IKMD show this month. A little bit of Edinburgh, a little bit of Glasgow, and a whole heap of improv comedy fun!
Friday 27 May 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm (Doors 7:30pm) | £5 | Malones Irish Bar, Glasgow
Click here for full details.
Performance News: Absolute Improv! at the West End Festival

After an absence of 4 years, To Be Continued… are extremely excited to return to the West End Festival in Glasgow this June. And to make up for lost time, there will be 4 performances of Absolute Improv! over 2 days. So, make sure to mark these dates in your diaries and see you at Siempre Bicycle Cafe!
Tickets - Saturday 11 June 2016 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm | £8 | Siempre Bicycle Cafe, Glasgow
Tickets - Saturday 11 June 2016 | 9:30pm - 10:30pm | £8 | Siempre Bicycle Cafe, Glasgow
Tickets - Saturday 18 June 2016 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm | £8 | Siempre Bicycle Cafe, Glasgow
Tickets - Saturday 18 June 2016 | 9:30pm - 10:30pm | £8 | Siempre Bicycle Cafe, Glasgow
Performance News: Improv Glasgow Harold Show Appearance!

Oh TBC - we hear in the westerly breeze - there is much improv of the long-form variety happening in the city of the west, using the "Harold" form, but you are no where to be found!…
Fear not brave fan of improv, TBC and of the city known to most as "Glasgow", for we have heard your cries and we shall not let you down! Accepting the kind invitation from our friends at Improv Glasgow, TBC will be the guest group at the monthly Glasgow Harold Night. So sleep soundly this eve, young improvisational warrior; for soon we shall meet at the field known as "The Griffin" and together, we shall make improvisation scenes and stories that will (probably) be regaled for years to come songs and history books!
Glasgow Harold Night | Tuesday 07 June 2016 | 8:00pm - 9:00pm | Free | The Griffin, Glasgow
Performance News: Open Improv Night

Featuring TBC Improv Players Will Naameh and Paul Connolly) the Open Improv Night show at The TBC Improv Theatrecontinues in its mission to share improv with the masses by providing a great platform for new and established groups to try out different ideas, as well as giving everyone and anyone the chance to try improv (some for the first time) with the Open Improv Jam. What better way to close out the weekend (that is both improv related and located in Edinburgh, Scotland)? Exactly!
Open Improv Night | Sunday 29 May 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Pay What You Decide | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Open Improv Night | Sunday 12 June 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Pay What You Decide | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Open Improv Night | Sunday 26 June 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Pay What You Decide | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Just one more one more thing…

To Be Continued… will be at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016 and you can buy your tickets now!
(Okay, so we realise this announcement is becoming a bit of a staple of theses newsletters, and that you're probably aware that this is our 5th anniversary of Absolute Improv! - side note, first performance was at the fringe on Friday 5 August 2011, so it'll be 5 years to the day, quite cool, huh? - and that you can get your tickets now. But at this point it feels like if we miss this out people might think "Hang on there just one moment, are they still going to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival?", or might just feel "Huh, it feels funny without the EdFringe announcement", which is how the September message will feel, so we though, ach, let's keep it in for now :D)
Book Tickets for Absolute Improv!.
Absolute Improv! | Friday 05 - Saturday 27 August 2016 (not Sunday 07 or 21) | 6:05pm - 6:55pm | theSpace on Niddry St (Venue 9), Edinburgh
June 2016
To Be Continued… on the Telly!

June kicked off with a lot of fun when To Be Continued… were invited to STV's The Late Show to chat improv, our upcoming festival performances and to let host Ewen Cameron try some improvisational comedy with a game of Human Props (flannels and kestrels make for a very interesting scene indeed!). Thank you to everyone at the show for making ours guys feel so welcomed, and we hope staff and viewers enjoyed the show as much as they did.
The Late Show broadcasts Monday-Friday at 10:30pm on STV Edinburgh and STV Glasgow. Header image copyright STV.
Performance News: Absolute Improv! at the West End Festival

After an absence of 4 years, To Be Continued… are extremely excited to return to the West End Festival in Glasgow this June. And to make up for lost time, there will be 4 performances of Absolute Improv! over 2 days. So, make sure to mark these dates in your diaries and see you at Siempre Bicycle Cafe!
Tickets | Saturday 11 June 2016 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm | £8 | Siempre Bicycle Cafe, Glasgow
Tickets | Saturday 11 June 2016 | 9:30pm - 10:30pm | £8 | Siempre Bicycle Cafe, Glasgow
Tickets | Saturday 18 June 2016 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm | £8 | Siempre Bicycle Cafe, Glasgow
Tickets | Saturday 18 June 2016 | 9:30pm - 10:30pm | £8 | Siempre Bicycle Cafe, Glasgow
Performance News: Absolute Improv! at the Buxton Fringe Festival

Ever since 2012, To Be Continued… has had a summer home we enjoy visiting, relaxing and performing a little in the run up to Edinburgh: the English town of Buxton and, more specifically, the Underground Venues. Marking our 5th appearance as part of the Buxton Fringe we're looking forward to bringing more Absolute Improv! fun to all you lovely Buxtonians (and those, like us, visiting and becoming honorary Buxtonians for a few day).
Tickets | Friday 15 July 2016 | 8:45pm - 9:30pm | £9/8 | Underground Venues, Buxton
Tickets | Saturday 16 July 2016 | 4:15pm - 5:00pm | £9/8 | Underground Venues, Buxton
Tickets | Sunday 17 July 2016 | 4:15pm - 5:00pm | £9/8 | Underground Venues, Buxton
Performance News: Absolute Improv! at the Merchant City Festival

And close-out our pre-Edinburgh Fringe festival run, To Be Continued… will doing a one-night run as part of the Merchant City Festival in Glasgow. This will be the final performance of Absolute Improv! before our Edinburgh Fringe run (marathon?), so come along to the The Brunswick Hotel for improvised fun with your improv friends from the other side of the M8!
Tickets | Saturday 30 July 2016 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm | £8 | The Brunswick Hotel, Glasgow
Performance News: Open Improv Night

Featuring TBC Improv Players Will Naameh and Paul Connolly) the Open Improv Night show at The TBC Improv Theatre continues in its mission to share improv with the masses by providing a great platform for new and established groups to try out different ideas, as well as giving everyone and anyone the chance to try improv (some for the first time) with the Open Improv Jam. What better way to close out the weekend (that is both improv related and located in Edinburgh, Scotland)? Exactly!
Open Improv Night | Sunday 12 June 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Pay What You Decide | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Open Improv Night | Sunday 26 June 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Pay What You Decide | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Just one more one more thing…

To Be Continued… will be at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016 and we know we will be joined by at least 500+ audience members! Thank you so much to everyone who has booked tickets so far, and remember there is still time/tickets/laughter for those who haven't purchased theirs yet :D.
Absolute Improv! Tickets | Friday 05 - Saturday 27 August 2016 (not Sunday 07 or 21) | 6:05pm - 6:55pm | theSpace on Niddry St (Venue 9), Edinburgh
July 2016
Workshop News: Drop-in Workshops (Edinburgh)

To Be Continued… will be running some drop-in workshop classes in Edinburgh throughout July. If you're interested in giving improv a shot without committing to a full course, or just looking for your weekly dose of improv fun, these classes are for you! (Classes are also for those who are interested but do not fit into the previously mentioned groups).
Monday 04 July 2016 | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | £5 | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh | Details
Monday 11 July 2016 | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | £5 | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh | Details
Monday 18 July 2016 | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | £5 | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh | Details
Monday 25 July 2016 | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | £5 | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh | Details
Performance News: Absolute Improv! at the Buxton Fringe Festival

Ever since 2012, To Be Continued… has had a summer home we enjoy visiting, relaxing and performing a little in the run up to Edinburgh: the English town of Buxton and, more specifically, the Underground Venues. Marking our 5th appearance as part of the Buxton Fringe we're looking forward to bringing more Absolute Improv! fun to all you lovely Buxtonians (and those, like us, visiting and becoming honorary Buxtonians for a few day).
Tickets | Friday 15 July 2016 | 8:45pm - 9:30pm | £9/8 | Underground Venues, Buxton
Tickets | Saturday 16 July 2016 | 4:15pm - 5:00pm | £9/8 | Underground Venues, Buxton
Tickets | Sunday 17 July 2016 | 4:15pm - 5:00pm | £9/8 | Underground Venues, Buxton
Performance News: To Be Contined… + IKMD Returns to Glasgow!

To Be Continued… join Glasgow-based friends Improv Killed My Dog for another To Be Contined… + IKMD show this month. A little bit of Edinburgh, a little bit of Glasgow, and a whole heap of improv comedy fun!
Details | Tuesday 26 July 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | £4/2 | Broadcast, Glasgow
Performance News: Absolute Improv! at the Merchant City Festival

And we're back in Glasgow again one more time before Edinburgh Fringe with a one-night run as part of the Merchant City Festival in Glasgow. This will be the final performance of Absolute Improv! before our Edinburgh Fringe run (epic journey?), so come along to the The Brunswick Hotel for improvised fun with your improv friends from the other side of the M8!
Tickets | Saturday 30 July 2016 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm | £8 | The Brunswick Hotel, Glasgow
Performance News: MC² and Other Experiments

The TBC Improv Theatre plays host to the debut of a brand new improv show featuring TBC Improv Player Mara Joy and Smoky Monkey Marijke Cortenbach:
Marijke Cortenbach and Mara Joy share the same initials, which is a more than adequate reason to do a show together. As MC² they explore a relationship (either familial, romantic, adversarial or platonic) by improvising a series of scenes from the first time two people meet, all the way through to the last time they see each other - with all the moments in between! It's a funny, touching and emotional look at how we relate to each other.
For this, their first full length show, they will be joined by other fantastic acts from the Scottish improv scene trying out some new ideas and experimenting with the joy of improv! And it's all FREE!
Details | Sunday 17 July 2016 | 7:30pm - 9:30pm | Pay What You Decide | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Performance News: Smoky Monkeys - An Imp-Revised History of the World

The Smoky Monkeys will be embarking on their first Edinburgh Fringe run this August, but before their voyage into the great festival sea join them at The TBC Improv Theatre for their finale preview performance of their An Imp-Revised History of the World. Witness more history made (up) before your very eyes and rediscover how we lived, loved and conquered before it all got so darn complicated - history will never look quite the same again.
Glasgow's Improv Killed My Dog will be opening the show.
Details | Tuesday 19 July 2016 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm | Pay What You Decide | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Performance News: Open Improv Night

Featuring TBC Improv Players Will Naameh and Paul Connolly) the Open Improv Night show at The TBC Improv Theatre continues in its mission to share improv with the masses by providing a great platform for new and established groups to try out different ideas, as well as giving everyone and anyone the chance to try improv (some for the first time) with the Open Improv Jam. What better way to close out the weekend (that is both improv related and located in Edinburgh, Scotland)? Exactly!
Open Improv Night | Sunday 24 July 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Pay What You Decide | The TBC Improv Theatre @ The Tron, Edinburgh
Just one more one more thing…

It's nearly August, it's almost Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016, and the performance of Absolute Improv! on Monday 8 August as now completely sold out! Make sure to get your tickets if you haven't already and we look forward to seeing you all again for another great August at the world's largest arts festival :).
Absolute Improv! Tickets | Friday 05 - Saturday 27 August 2016 (not Sunday 07 or 21) | 6:05pm - 6:55pm | theSpace on Niddry St (Venue 9), Edinburgh
August 2016
Absolute Improv! @ Edinburgh Festival Fringe

It's here, it's really here! Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2016 and the 5th Anniversary of Absolute Improv! - how time flies! Come and celebrate with us by including some 5-star, 3-times sell-out improv comedy to your Edinburgh Fringe schedule :D:
Five-star, three-time Edinburgh Fringe sell-out improv comedy show! Edinburgh's improv theatre company presents a fast-paced, hilarious improv show that will have you coming back for more. Scottish and international improvisers create fun and witty improv sketches based on your suggestions (à la Whose Line is it Anyway?) Celebrating our sixth year at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, be sure to arrive ready to shout out odd and wonderful ideas, and together we'll make some comedy gold! An Edinburgh Fringe sell-out 2013/2014/2015. ***** (Cream of the Fringe, **** (ThreeWeeks,,, Latest7 Magazine).
Absolute Improv! Tickets | Friday 05 - Saturday 27 August 2016 (not Sunday 07 or 21) | 6:05pm - 6:55pm | theSpace on Niddry St (Venue 9), Edinburgh
The Cutting Room @ Edinburgh Festival Fringe

TBC Improv Players Peter Aitchison, Caroline Mathison, Steph Brown and Gregor Davidson debut their brand new improvised show this year at the Edinburgh Fringe debut: The Cutting Room:
Improv Comedy where audience suggestions inspire rapidly unfolding scenes. Captivating side-scene or part of the main plot – as if by magic players draw a story out of the chaos. Like comedy origami, the right cuts and folds make the play take shape. With time and space no obstacle, this improvised comedy is guaranteed to go where it has never gone before. The truth is nobody knows how it ends until the final cut.
Details | 6 - 16 August 2016 | 9:45pm - 10:35pm | Free | T-Bar [Tank] (Venue 201) 237 Cowgate EH1 1JQ
Spontaneous Sherlock @ Edinburgh Fringe Festival

After a tremendous debut at last year's Edinburgh Fringe, TBC Improv Players Eric Geistfeld and Will Naameh (along with former player Sam Irving) return for more improvised Sherlock Holmes action in Spontaneous Sherlock:
Spontaneous Sherlock is an entirely improvised Sherlock Holmes comedy play based on an audience suggestion of a title. Performed by four of the country's most critically acclaimed comedy improvisers with live Victorian musical accompaniment. 'Effortlessly brilliant... orders of magnitude better than Benedict Cumberbatch' **** ( **** (
Details | 6-15, 17-22, 24-28 August 2016 | 7:45pm - 8:45pm | Free | La Belle Angèle (Venue 301) 11 Hastie's Close EH1 1HJ
Men With Coconuts: Improvised Bond @ Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Shaken or stirred? find out by joining TBC Improv Player Will Naameh and former player Sam Irving for Men With Coconuts: Improvised Bond:
A brand new James Bond film improvised on stage every night! 'One of the best improv shows I've seen. Skilful and hysterical' (Jo Caulfield). Winner, Prague Spirit of the Fringe 2016.
Details | 6-15, 17-22, 24-28 August 2016 | 5:15pm - 6:15pm | Free | La Belle Angèle (Venue 301) 11 Hastie's Close EH1 1HJ
Me Plus One - improv with two people @ PBH Free Fringe

TBC Improv Player Mara Joy brings more two-prov action to this year's Edinburgh Fringe (as part of the PBH Free Fringe) with numerous improv friends in Me Plus One:
Mara Joy (TBC Improv) and a different special guest improviser each day create an entirely new and unique two-person comedy show based off one word from you – our wonderful audience!
Details | 6-28 (not 10, 17, 24) August 2016 | 2:15 pm - 3:05 pm | Free | The Banana Skin (Venue 396) 9-11 Blair Street EH1 1QR
An Imp-Revised History of the World @ Edinburgh Festival Fringe

TBC Improv Player Peter Aitchison will be joining Smoky Monkeys this August as part of their Edinburgh Fringe debut with An Imp-Revised History of the World:
Ever wondered what would’ve happened if Buddha met Hitler? Or what if Tesla accidentally invented time travel? In this improvised comedy show the audience will decide which chapters of the history books will be rewritten. Edinburgh's own hottest new improv comedy troupe brings you An Imp-revised History of the World. A show full of short improv scenes like in Whose Line is it Anyway, inspired by historical, and hysterical, themes. Get ready for hilarious impersonations, inaccurate historical knowledge, at least one dinosaur per show and a grand musical ending! You might just learn nothing.
Details | 17 - 27 August 2016 | 9:45pm - 10:35pm | Free | T-Bar [Tank] (Venue 201) 237 Cowgate EH1 1JQ
Pint and a Half @ PBH Free Fringe

After a year apart, Will Naameh and Sam Irving reunite for one more round of Pint and a Half:
Five-star improvised comedy from ‘the country’s funniest and whitest improv duo’ (Wee Theaters Glasgow). Fringe favourites Sam and Will (of Spontaneous Sherlock and Men With Coconuts) return with another hilarious hour of improvised comedy madness! ‘Funny. Like, really funny. Expect great things from this duo’ (SLT Arabia).
Details | 17-26 August 2016 | 12:55 pm - 1:55 pm | Free | Silk Lower (venue 444) 28a King’s Stables Road EH1 2JY
Transcontinental @ PBH Free Fringe

Join Will Naameh for more two-prov action with Transcontinental:
Will Naameh (Men With Coconuts, TBC Improv, Spontaneous Sherlock) and Shelby Plummer (Second City, iO Chicago) are critically-acclaimed improv comedians and real life best friends who live on different continents. For one day only, they bring their two person improv comedy show to Edinburgh! Shelby will be coming straight from the airport, so expect tears as well as laughter.
Details | 24 August 2016 | 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm | Free | Opium upstairs (venue 96) 71 Cowgate EH1 1JW
Through The Stage Doors @ The Boards, Edinburgh Playhouse

Find out what happens backstage with Gregor Davidson and others as you step Through The Stage Doors:
A dramatized performance that takes you through the stage door and right to the heart of the theatre world. Get a sneak peak of the hilarity that goes on when the curtain drops! A promenade production that takes you from Foyer to Dressing Room in just over 60 minutes!
Details | 12 - 13 August 2016 | 11am & 1:30pm | Free | The Boards, Edinburgh Playhouse 18-22 Greenside Ln EH1 3AA
September 2016
Workshop News: Drop-in Workshops (Edinburgh)

To Be Continued… will be running some drop-in workshop classes in Edinburgh to close out September. If you're interested in giving improv a shot without committing to a full course, or just looking for your weekly dose of improv fun, these classes are for you! (Classes are also for those who are interested but do not fit into the previously mentioned groups).
Details | Monday 19 September 2016 | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | £5 | The Tron Tavern, Edinburgh
Details | Monday 26 September 2016 | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | £5 | The Tron Tavern, Edinburgh
Workshop News: Introduction to Improv (Edinburgh)

This year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival was a creative melting point for improv comedy, with more and varied shows/workshops than ever before. For those who witnessed some of this improvised comedy joy and would like to join in, To Be Continued… will be running our Introduction to Improv course from October-November. This course teaches the fundamentals of improv performance and ideal for those who have never done improv before to those looking for an improv tune-up.
Details | Mondays 03 October 2016 - 28 November (not 31 October) 2016 | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | £80 | The Tron Tavern, Edinburgh
Performance News: Open Improv Night

Featuring TBC Improv Players Will Naameh and Paul Connolly) the Open Improv Night show at The TBC Improv Theatre continues in its mission to share improv with the masses by providing a great platform for new and established groups to try out different ideas, as well as giving everyone and anyone the chance to try improv (some for the first time) with the Open Improv Jam. What better way to close out the weekend (that is both improv related and located in Edinburgh, Scotland)? Exactly!
The TBC Improv Theatre has moved to Monkey Barrel Comedy (just across the road from where it use to be).
Details | Sunday 18 September 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Pay What You Decide | The TBC Improv Theatre @ Monkey Barrel Comedy, Edinburgh
Details | Sunday 02 October 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Pay What You Decide | The TBC Improv Theatre @ Monkey Barrel Comedy, Edinburgh
Details | Sunday 16 October 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Pay What You Decide | The TBC Improv Theatre @ Monkey Barrel Comedy, Edinburgh
Details | Sunday 30 October 2016 | 8:00pm - 10:00pm | Pay What You Decide | The TBC Improv Theatre @ Monkey Barrel Comedy, Edinburgh
Just one more one more thing…

To close out this month's newsletter, we just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who came along to join us for Absolute Improv! at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016 - immense fun was had by all The TBC Improv Players and it was a pleasure to perform to so many warm and lovely people!
December 2016
Workshop News: Intermediate Improv (201) Course

Take your improv skills to the next level.
Taken our Introduction to Improv (101) course (or similar) and looking for the next step in your improv journey? With the Intermediate Improv (201) 8-week course, you will take those improv skills - along with relationships, "the game" and more - and learn how to use them to consistently create improvised scenes which are both fun to perform in and engaging to watch!
Mondays | 16 January 2017 - 06 March 2017 | 7:00pm - 9:30pm | £90 | The Tron Tavern, Edinburgh (Details)
Workshop News: Introduction Improv (101) Course

Take your first steps into the wonderful world of improv comedy.
Watched Whose Line is it Anyway? (or one of the countless improv shows happening in Scotland and around the world) and wanted to give improv a shot? Looking to practice your improvisation skills for acting? Wanting to better cope in situations when you don't know what will happen next? Just looking for something fun to do on a weekday evening?
Introduction to Improv (101) is for you!
Over the course of 8-weeks, learn the skills and techniques (such as character and "yes and") used by improvisers worldwide to create wonderful, spontaneous scenes that have never been seen before, never to be seen again.
Wednesdays | 18 January 2017 - 08 March 2017 | 7:00pm - 9:30pm | £90 | The Tron Tavern, Edinburgh (Details)
Performance News: The Improv Living Room

The First Sunday of the Month @ 7:30pm!
Catch Edinburgh Festival Fringe Sell-out group The TBC Improv Players as they chat and perform scenes about life, science, the universe, pop-culture, or anything and everything that inspires them in the moment; all this created on the spot and inspired by a single word suggestion!
7:30pm - 8:30pm | Free (Pay What You Decide) | The TBC Improv Theatre @ Monkey Barrel Comedy, Edinburgh
Sunday 05 February 2017 (Details)
Sunday 05 March 2017 (Details)
Performance News: Invited Improv Double-Bill

The First & Last Sundays of the Month @ 8:45pm!
The improv scene in Scotland has grown exponentially in the years since To Be Continued… first started, and this performance is a showcase of just some of that talent. Enjoy as two groups/shows are invited along to share their talent and new improv comedy ideas. This is a great opportunity to catch rising stars of the improv comedy scene in Scotland, as well as being the first to witness new ideas from established acts!
(Acts will be announced and added to that show's page closer to the performance)
8:45pm - 9:45pm | Free (Pay What You Decide) | The TBC Improv Theatre @ Monkey Barrel Comedy, Edinburgh
Sunday 29 January 2017 (Details)
Sunday 05 February 2017 (Details)
Sunday 26 February 2017 (Details)
Sunday 05 March 2017 (Details)
Sunday 26 March 2017 (Details)
Performance News: Smoky Monkeys Monthly Show

The Second Sunday of the Month @ 7:30pm!
The Smoky Monkeys return to The TBC Improv Theatre for a new monthly show. The group behind the hugely successful Edinburgh Festival Fringe show An Imp-Revised History of the World and Smoky Monkeys & Chill bring an hour of unique and spontaneous improvised comedy fun, in the way only Monkeys of the smoked variety can!
7:30pm - 8:30pm | Free (Pay What You Decide) | The TBC Improv Theatre @ Monkey Barrel Comedy, Edinburgh
Sunday 08 January 2017 (Details)
Sunday 12 February 2017 (Details)
Sunday 12 March 2017 (Details)
Performance News: Me Plus One - Improv With Two People

The Second Sunday of the Month @ 8:45pm!
TBC Improv Player Mara Joy - plus different special guests - grace The TBC Improv Theatre stage each month with his ever popular show and podcast Me Plus One - Improv With Two People. Using a one word suggestion, watch as Mark and his guest travel to worlds, meet characters and tell stories that are never the same twice!
8:45pm - 9:45pm | Free (Pay What You Decide) | The TBC Improv Theatre @ Monkey Barrel Comedy, Edinburgh
Sunday 08 January 2017 (Details)
Sunday 12 February 2017 (Details)
Sunday 12 March 2017 (Details)
Performance News: Open Improv Night / Open Improv Night Jam

The Second Last Sunday of the Month @ 7:30pm & 8:45pm!
TBC Improv Players Will Naameh and Paul Connolly continue showcasing the wonderful, experimental and sometimes strange (in the best possible sense) talent the Scottish improv scene has to offer in Open Improv Night. Have a vague idea of something improv related you'd like to try? Get in touch with the guys and book your spot now!
Not quite ready for a 5-15 minute spot but would still like to give improv performance a try? The Open Improv Night Jam is for you. Taking place straight after Open Improv Night, write your name on a sheet of paper, pop it inside of Box and, once your name gets called, get on up and try your hand at an improvised scene.
This is an open, supportive night open to all to get involved with improv, either by performing or being a lovely member if the audience!
Open Improv Night | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Free (Pay What You Decide) | The TBC Improv Theatre @ Monkey Barrel Comedy, Edinburgh
Sunday 15 January 2017 (Details) - Special Extra Performance!
Sunday 22 January 2017 (Details)
Sunday 19 February 2017 (Details)
Sunday 19 March 2017 (Details)
Open Improv Night Jam | 8:45pm - 9:45pm | Free (Pay What You Decide) | The TBC Improv Theatre @ Monkey Barrel Comedy, Edinburgh
Sunday 15 January 2017 (Details) - Special Extra Performance!
Sunday 22 January 2017 (Details)
Sunday 19 February 2017 (Details)
Sunday 19 March 2017 (Details)
Performance News: The Cutting Room

The Last Sundays of the Month @ 7:30pm!
After a successful debut performance as part of the PBH Free Fringe 2016, The Cutting Room will be enjoying a monthly residency as part of The TBC Improv Theatre. Join the regular performers - plus guests - as they present a collection of golden fully-improvised scenes and comedy-gems straight from the cutting room!
7:30pm-8:30pm | Free (Pay What You Decide) | The TBC Improv Theatre @ Monkey Barrel Comedy, Edinburgh
Sunday 29 January 2017 (Details)
Sunday 26 February 2017 (Details)
Sunday 26 March 2017 (Details)